Accurate and compact: Blue Dose Pro.
Blu Dose Pro is a precise and reliable dosing system based on a patented pump controlled by a brushless motor and a mass meter. The operation of the system is simple and effective: the brushless motor controls the speed of the pump, allowing a constant flow of liquid through the dosing tube. The mass flow meter measures the amount of solid passing through the pipe and sends the information to the control system, which can adjust the pump speed in real time to ensure precise and constant dosing.
Il suo innovativo principio di funzionamento unito alla nostra esperienza ci hanno permesso di sviluppare una soluzione adatta anche a liquidi ad alta densità e con elevata abrasività.
The Blu Dose Pro has been designed to ensure unmatched precision in dosing applications, with dosing below to 0.5%. The system is very versatile, with a wide range of dosing streams available to meet the dosing needs of each application. In addition, the patented pump design ensures that the liquid flows smoothly and without turbulence, guaranteeing precise and uniform dosing every time.

With Blu Dose Pro, it is possible to accurately dose a wide range of liquids and suspensions efficiently and reliably, in a wide range of fields such as chemistry, biology, pharmaceutical industry and many others.